Introduction to Collective Home Ownership for BIPoC & Mini Series

Join me for an overview of what it takes to make your collective living dream a reality! Tuesday September 26, 5 pm online, register at

Then we will dive deeper into the legal structures, financing options and how to get your project started!

Defining Your Dream Workshop #1 October 10, noon-1

Research has shown that the 10% of successful communities have clear operational agreements that guide them on how to navigate the challenges of collective living. Workshop attendees will receive a visioning worksheet and discuss how to define your vision for an intentional community. 

Legal Structures for Intentional Communities Workshop #2 October 17, noon-1

This workshop will cover the benefits of the different legal entities that can own and operate an intentional community, including tax benefits, limitations, and ease of entering and exiting. 

Financing Your Dream Workshop #3 October 24, noon-1

There is over $8 trillion dollars in the world, how do we access some of it to finance our collective living dreams? This workshop will cover different financing models including equity shares and how to approach lenders and investors.

Plot Twist…

I’m a licensed real estate agent!

I’m excited to keep building community, now it’s a little more literal. I specialize in helping people create intentional communities, eco villages and cohousing communities of all kinds. Join an upcoming meetup to get plugged in!

CA DRE# 02196270

Foods to Support Your Menstrual Cycle

Feel better by nourishing your body all month long. Research shows that proper nutrition can help reduce physical discomfort and support your emotional well being.

Know what and when to eat to support your menstrual cycle

Eat right all month long.

There are four phases of your menstrual cycle. Each phase has a hormone driven event intended to prepare your body for pregnancy. Whether you are planning on becoming pregnant or not, you can support your body during each of these phases with good nutrition. Hormones send signals to all parts of our bodies, keeping them balanced can help reduce discomfort and increase vitality. Get the relief you deserve through eating nourishing food. 



Menstruation is the shedding of the thickened uterine layer when the egg has not been fertilized.  Low glycemic, and water rich fruits and veggies, sea based foods help remineralize with iron and zinc. 


Follicular Phase

The follicular phase begins on the first day of menstruation and ends on ovulation. During this time hormones stimulate the growth of eggs in the ovaries, each in its own “pod,” called a follicle, which increases estrogen production and limits the number of follicles that mature to 1 egg. Eat energizing foods that are light and vibrant, while hormones are low. 



Ovulation is the shortest part of the cycle, lasting just 24 hours as the ovary releases that mature egg down the Fallopian tube on its way to fertilization. Natural energy from increased estrogen means limit carbohydrates. Lots of fiber from veggies and antioxidants to eliminate excess estrogen.


Luteal Phase

During the luteal phase, the follicle that released the egg produces hormones that thicken and ripen the uterus to ready it for pregnancy. If a fertilized egg is not implanted then the whole cycle begins again. B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and fiber stave off sugar cravings caused by heavy use of B vitamins in progesterone production, magnesium-calcium combo will reduce bloating from fluid retention. Natural sugars from roasted veggies will prevent blood sugar dips which cause irritability. Stabilize serotonin and dopamine levels to prevent mood swings with complex carbohydrates.


Get the full guide!

No matter what stage of life you’re in, eating nourishing food will help support you living your best life. I’ve compiled lists of foods for each phase of your cycle with micronutrients to help stabilize hormones reinvigorate your inner spark.

Need more support? Download my nutrition guide or schedule your free 30 minute consultation!




Stay Well with Fire Cider

Fire Cider is a zesty vinegar tonic that can stimulate digestion and support your immune system. It combines the healing powers of apple cider vinegar with a myriad of herbs. You can add other herbs and spices for extra flavor and healing properties.

I learned about this simple folk remedy as a young adult. I enjoy it throughout the year, adding it to dressings and drinks for an extra punch. Here’s the basic recipe I learned and use.

  • 1 medium organic onion, coarsely chopped
  • 10 cloves of organic garlic, crushed
  • 2 organic jalapeno peppers, coarsely chopped
  • 1 organic lemon, quartered
  • 4 oz fresh organic ginger root, coarsely chopped
  • 4 oz fresh organic horseradish root, coarsely chopped
  • 2 Tbsp. of dried rosemary leaves
  • organic apple cider vinegar

Prepare and combine all ingredients into a blender with enough apple cider vinegar to liquefy. Transfer into a glass quart jar and fill to top with vinegar. Note that vinegar corrodes metal so use parchment paper to protect a metal lid. Vigorously shake the concoction daily and store in a dark place for 4 weeks. Strain your fire cider through cheesecloth into clean jars. Now you have a powerful healing brew to help keep you well all year round!

Use your fire cider as needed to support your immune system. You can drop some under your tongue, mix it into juice or add it to salad dressings, marinades and sauces. This is very versatile and can help boost any dish or beverage, while supporting your immune system. Don’t forget that you can combine the strained pulp with fresh veggies to create other tasty dishes.

Stay well this year with fire cider and lots of rest, your body works hard so make sure you’re getting enough sleep at night. If you have trouble with getting enough sleep, try creating a bedtime ritual.

Fall Reflection and Giving Thanks

Cover Image

Molly with eyes closed in reflection

As the days grow shorter and the nights grow colder, fall is a good time to begin self reflection and offer gratitude. This year has been a whirl wind of changes. There have been new projects and collaborations, healing rituals and a child entering kindergarten. When I look back over the year, I’m proud of how much I’ve grown. I have been blessed with an incredibly supportive community that I can rely on for guidance and help.

In 2018 I didn’t make any resolutions, my objective was to sit more confidently in myself and to begin weaving together many parts of my life. I’ve been looking over the past 10 months and proud of risks I’ve taken.

BeadSquad continues to blow me away with everyone’s energy and I was so impressed how everyone embodied our 2018 theme “Exist Loudly.” I’m excited to continue expanding this community and share the joy I receive with more people.

But for now I’m taking time to reflect so that I can continue my personal and professional growth. I want to be more intentional moving forward in my life. I appreciate everyone who has supported my journey and I look forward to offering my support to others.

Lets Do It…Together

I’m a big fan of the DIY movement because industrialism cannot be sustainable. If we truly care about protecting our earth than we must reduce our consumption. The amount of energy and resources it takes to power factories and labs and then ship products all over the world is devastating on the environment and ultimately us.

I like making my own products because I can control what goes into them. I can source local ingredients and materials and support businesses that are transparent about their labor and environmental practices. It’s also fun and allows me to be creative and feel accomplished.

Photo of home made products

Home made yogurt

People often credit my passion for DIY from being a capricorn, regardless of my zodiac sign, I love learning new skills for myself but I know not everyone has the same resources and level of compulsiveness.  Sometimes starting a new project or hobby can feel overwhelming, especially with the immense amount of misinformation circulating on the internet. That’s why I’ve challenged myself to overcome my impostor syndrome and begin teaching workshops on some of the skills I have acquired.

I want to share my knowledge and understanding so we can work together to make the world a better place. Join one of my upcoming DIY workshops so we can overthrow capitalism together!

Enjoy the Benefits of Diffusing Essential Oils

How to enhance your air with essential oils

Essential oils have been used by traditional medicine around the world for millennia but they have been recently been picked up by mainstream culture. Let’s start with what essential oils are.

paleo air

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are naturally occurring aromatic chemicals produced by plants.

How diffusing essential oils supports your wellness.  

Plants release an array of chemical compounds into the air. They primarily release oxygen, a direct byproduct of photosynthesis. However they have also evolved to emit  other compounds that repel predators and attract pollinators, which include terpenes.

Terpenes are an aromatic class of molecules that compose essential oils. Each plant produces its own blend of volatile organic compounds, giving it a unique scent and effect on the body. We can capture these compounds and use them to support our natural body functions by inhalation where they are processed by our olfactory system. Some essential oils can be ingested or applied topically, where they then enter the bloodstream and our processed by our limbic system in the brain. 

smell the terpenes

Enjoy the benefits of breathing in air enhanced with essential oils by wearing an essential oil diffuser necklace.

Explore Wellness in Cuba with Me

Heart and Soul

Are you curious about sustainable communities in Cuba? I’ll be leading a curated trip to explore the heart and soul of Cuba. Dine with leading Cuban experts, travel through Cuba’s countryside and sip locally grown coffee out of coconut shells. We’ll make cashew elixirs with local ethnographers and take a Cuban dance class.

You can read the full itinerary for June 8-15 and register for the trip. Registration ends April 15. You don’t want to miss this amazing trip to explore Cuba.

Do I have to wear a bikini?

Do I have to wear a bikini at Carnaval?

You don’t have to wear a bikini at Carnaval

Are you interested in dancing in Carnaval San Francisco but concerned about the costume? Don’t be. Here’s why.

No, you don’t have to wear a bikini.

In short you can wear whatever you want in the parade. I am here to support you feeling good about yourself. We can modify your costume to your comfort level so that you feel confident no matter what.

All bodies are good bodies.

I have been fortunate enough to be able to choose self love but I know that its a challenge. There is literally a multi-billion dollar industry that specifically wants you to feel bad about yourself so they can make money. I encourage everyone to fall deeply in love with themselves and appreciate whatever stage they are at in life.

It’s a celebration!

Carnaval San Francisco is a celebration of the vast and diverse cultures of Latin America. People show up to have a good time and honor the manifold of beauty standards, clothing, art, music and dance. As long as you’re having a good time, everyone will think you look great.

I hope you will be brave this year and dance with BeadSquad because everyone should be able to dance their bundas off.

Exist Loudly! at Carnaval San Francisco

Exist Loudly

Take Up Space

Carnaval San Francisco is less than 4 months away and BeadSquad is getting in gear. This year we want to take up space and be proud of who we are as individuals and as a group so our theme is “Exist Loudly!” This past year has been wild, politically, emotionally and professionally. The lessen I have chosen to focus on is to be my most authentic self.

Someone once told me about Enneagrams, a way of categorizing personalities and described me as type 4, the individualist. She described it as 2 sides of the same coin. When I’m feeling happy I’m ecstatic to be unique and see my individualism as a way to connect with a broad spectrum of people but when I’m sad I get anxious about not fitting in and feel isolated in my distinctness. This idea resonated with me. I have frequently been told “you are the weirdest person I know and the coolest person I know” by many different people and I cant ever take it as a compliment. This year I am owning my quirks and letting go of the part of my ego that wants to fit in.

I have noticed that when I speak my truth I feel more connected to others. The bonds I share with others are strengthened. When I become more clearly defined so does my community. I encourage you to take up space and Exist Loudly!

Want to Dance with BeadSquad? Rehearsals start Wednesday March 6 7-8:30 pm, join us!