Enjoy the Benefits of Diffusing Essential Oils

How to enhance your air with essential oils

Essential oils have been used by traditional medicine around the world for millennia but they have been recently been picked up by mainstream culture. Let’s start with what essential oils are.

paleo air

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are naturally occurring aromatic chemicals produced by plants.

How diffusing essential oils supports your wellness.  

Plants release an array of chemical compounds into the air. They primarily release oxygen, a direct byproduct of photosynthesis. However they have also evolved to emit  other compounds that repel predators and attract pollinators, which include terpenes.

Terpenes are an aromatic class of molecules that compose essential oils. Each plant produces its own blend of volatile organic compounds, giving it a unique scent and effect on the body. We can capture these compounds and use them to support our natural body functions by inhalation where they are processed by our olfactory system. Some essential oils can be ingested or applied topically, where they then enter the bloodstream and our processed by our limbic system in the brain. 

smell the terpenes

Enjoy the benefits of breathing in air enhanced with essential oils by wearing an essential oil diffuser necklace.

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