Do I have to wear a bikini?

Do I have to wear a bikini at Carnaval?

You don’t have to wear a bikini at Carnaval

Are you interested in dancing in Carnaval San Francisco but concerned about the costume? Don’t be. Here’s why.

No, you don’t have to wear a bikini.

In short you can wear whatever you want in the parade. I am here to support you feeling good about yourself. We can modify your costume to your comfort level so that you feel confident no matter what.

All bodies are good bodies.

I have been fortunate enough to be able to choose self love but I know that its a challenge. There is literally a multi-billion dollar industry that specifically wants you to feel bad about yourself so they can make money. I encourage everyone to fall deeply in love with themselves and appreciate whatever stage they are at in life.

It’s a celebration!

Carnaval San Francisco is a celebration of the vast and diverse cultures of Latin America. People show up to have a good time and honor the manifold of beauty standards, clothing, art, music and dance. As long as you’re having a good time, everyone will think you look great.

I hope you will be brave this year and dance with BeadSquad because everyone should be able to dance their bundas off.

Exist Loudly! at Carnaval San Francisco

Exist Loudly

Take Up Space

Carnaval San Francisco is less than 4 months away and BeadSquad is getting in gear. This year we want to take up space and be proud of who we are as individuals and as a group so our theme is “Exist Loudly!” This past year has been wild, politically, emotionally and professionally. The lessen I have chosen to focus on is to be my most authentic self.

Someone once told me about Enneagrams, a way of categorizing personalities and described me as type 4, the individualist. She described it as 2 sides of the same coin. When I’m feeling happy I’m ecstatic to be unique and see my individualism as a way to connect with a broad spectrum of people but when I’m sad I get anxious about not fitting in and feel isolated in my distinctness. This idea resonated with me. I have frequently been told “you are the weirdest person I know and the coolest person I know” by many different people and I cant ever take it as a compliment. This year I am owning my quirks and letting go of the part of my ego that wants to fit in.

I have noticed that when I speak my truth I feel more connected to others. The bonds I share with others are strengthened. When I become more clearly defined so does my community. I encourage you to take up space and Exist Loudly!

Want to Dance with BeadSquad? Rehearsals start Wednesday March 6 7-8:30 pm, join us!